“AI allows us to upskill our entire team”

“AI allows us to upskill our entire team”

By implementing AI and automation tools in the right way, a significant opportunity arises to drive career growth in security teams, according to Ian Stacey, Group Head of Information Security at Novuna, and Callum Taylor, Cybersecurity Product Owner at Novuna. In...
The three-point action plan for new CISOs

The three-point action plan for new CISOs

With this ebook, you will: Discover how continuous asset discovery can help you maintain a comprehensive inventory of your organization’s IT assets, reducing the risk of undetected vulnerabilities. Learn advanced techniques for effective vulnerability risk...
“Become the enabler, not the blocker”

“Become the enabler, not the blocker”

A great CISO can embrace innovation and new business goals, but at the same time, knows how to create awareness about security risks, says Luisella ten Pierik, CISO of regional grid operator for electricity and gas Stedin and manager of their CIO Office. Luisella is...
2024: you better take it personally!

2024: you better take it personally!

Dear fellow CISOs, Welcome to 2024, a year where the cyber landscape isn’t just evolving; it’s demanding a revolution in how we think and act. The message for you is unequivocal: it’s time to take it personally. This year, you’re not just a...