Zero Trust: how do I make it concrete?

Zero Trust: how do I make it concrete?

Every year, there are numerous research and consultancy firms with all kinds of overviews of strategic trends in IT and cybersecurity. Gartner, which was referred to last month on this platform, is no exception. Invariably, zero trust is part of these lists, with...
A cyber-samurai in the digital dojo…

A cyber-samurai in the digital dojo…

In the serene yet potent ethos of ancient Japan, where the discipline of Budo, the martial way, was not merely about combat but a profound journey towards self-mastery, integrity, and the protection of one’s community, we find surprising parallels to the modern role...
Security vs. privacy

Security vs. privacy

Security and privacy are two topics that are hardly mentioned in one breath in daily security operations. On the one hand, this is a good thing because when tactical and strategic thought is given to safeguarding privacy within security, the operation can run freely...
2024: you better take it personally!

2024: you better take it personally!

Dear fellow CISOs, Welcome to 2024, a year where the cyber landscape isn’t just evolving; it’s demanding a revolution in how we think and act. The message for you is unequivocal: it’s time to take it personally. This year, you’re not just a...
A hacker’s wishlist for Christmas

A hacker’s wishlist for Christmas

Each year, cyberattacks increase dramatically during the holiday season. Criminals know how to take advantage of a busy season in which companies endure chaos and employees are busy, stressed, tired, and ready for a break. With the influx of emails during this season,...
“Watch your back” or “I’ve got your back”?

“Watch your back” or “I’ve got your back”?

Chief Information Security Officer or CISO – sounds great, but is it? It sounds like an amazing position if all goes well… But what if your organization suffers from a large-scale cyber incident? Unlike other C-level positions, things may have personal consequences...