CISO Platform Nederland

CISO Platform Nederland is an industry association that is closely related to the CISO community Nederland. Its members are part of the CISO community, but members of the latter are not automatically part of the CISO Platform.

Why become a member?

No sales or acquisition – the association is wholly independent

The CISO Platform Nederland operates independently from suppliers or external entities and is financed through member contributions. Only member employees can participate in the network and our activities. Member organizations determine the agenda. We adhere to the Chatham House Rule: information sharing always takes place confidently, and members can be assured that information and data are never available to third parties. Furthermore, no acquisition is carried out during or as a result of events organized by CISO Platform Nederland.

Quick and easy access to a broad and versatile network

All our members are significant users of cybersecurity solutions or programs and come from a wide variety of industries. They have direct access to peers who can assist them with their challenges, saving them from reinventing the wheel.

An inspirational exchange of practical knowledge and experience

The informal nature of the meetings and the secure environment, without vendors, allow participants to connect quickly and easily. Inspiring one another during gatherings by sharing practical knowledge and experience about recognizable issues and challenges creates synergies.

Input for policy-making and supplier roadmaps

CISOs and their organizations deal with ever-changing regulations and powerful suppliers. Policymakers and product managers from vendors can benefit significantly from the knowledge and expertise of a CISO. The association can assist in improving new regulations to avoid implementation challenges or disproportionate burdens on business users. It can also help vendors tailor their product roadmap to suit their customers’ needs better.

If necessary, where it may be difficult for individual organizations, the association can take a stand against major parties, such as global vendors or governmental organizations. At the European level, we collaborate with similar associations in other countries to effectively serve the interests of our members on a global scale.

Access to events for CISOs and internal employees of member organizations

We host events throughout the year on various topics within our four key themes. CISOs, other cybersecurity professionals, and interested employees from member organizations can participate for free.