Dimitri van Zantvliet
A cyber-samurai in the digital dojo…

A cyber-samurai in the digital dojo…

In the serene yet potent ethos of ancient Japan, where the discipline of Budo, the martial way, was not merely about combat but a profound journey towards self-mastery, integrity, and the protection of one’s community, we find surprising parallels to the modern role of a CISO in the realm of critical infrastructure.

2024: you better take it personally!

2024: you better take it personally!

Welcome to 2024, a year where the cyber landscape isn’t just evolving; it’s demanding a revolution in how we think and act. The message for you is unequivocal: It’s time to take it personally.

‘Guy Fawkes’ and the digital rebellion

‘Guy Fawkes’ and the digital rebellion

The mask featuring the mug of Guy Fawkes – a figure from the English seventeenth century – with its iconic white face, subtle smile, mustache, and pointed beard has experienced an unexpected renaissance in recent decades.