
Business Continuity session

Tuesday 18 February 2025
13:30 until 18:00
Profielfoto van Floor Pheninckx
1 minute read

Business continuity is critical for organizations to maintain operations during and after cyber incidents. As digital infrastructure becomes increasingly essential, a well-prepared business continuity plan is vital to minimize downtime, financial losses, and reputational damage. This session, led by Mahdi Abdulrazak, will highlight the importance of business continuity in the face of cyber threats and explore strategies for building resilience. Participants will gain insights from CISOs and engage in interactive discussions, focusing on both defensive and offensive cyber strategies to safeguard critical operations and prevent disruptions.


  • Welcome
  • Content program - Setting the scene, keynotes and interactive discussion tables.
  • Drinks

Plenary program

  • Setting the scene:

Business continuity – an organization’s ability to maintain or quickly resume critical operations during and after disruptive incidents – is vital in the context of cyber threats. As modern organizations rely heavily on digital infrastructure, a cyberattack can lead to significant downtime, financial losses, and reputational damage.

By having a solid business continuity plan, companies can ensure they are prepared to respond quickly to cyber incidents, mitigate the impact, and recover operations without long-lasting consequences. This proactive approach not only protects the organization’s assets and data but also helps build trust with customers, stakeholders, and partners by demonstrating resilience in the face of cyber risks.

CISO Platform board member Mahdi Abdulrazak sets the scene for the workshop, by providing an overview of the importance of business continuity, the challenges in developing a solid strategy, and the responsibility of the CISO.

  • Inside information:

A CISO shares his/her personal experience with the topic of business continuity, together with valuable insights on this topic. This offers a unique opportunity to learn from an insider who deals with these issues on a daily basis.

  • Interactive discussion:

Together with experts and thought leaders, we will discuss the integration of offensive and defensive strategies for continuity, bringing different perspectives together. This interactive session offers the opportunity to ask questions and join the discussion on the themes covered.


Please note that the exact details of this workshop are subject to change. Updates may be made to change or add speakers, update the content, and improve your overall experience.

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5223 MD 's-Hertogenbosch


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